Inspirational Poetry in Motion: Gregory Colbert

‎"Ashes and Snow, de l'artiste canadien Gregory Colbert, est une installation d'œuvres photographiques, cinématographiques et d'un récit épistolaire qui voyage dans le Nomadic Museum, une structure temporaire construite spécialement pour l'exposition. Ce travail explore les sensibilités poétiques communes des hommes et des bêtes.En date de juillet 2009, Ashes and Snow a été vue par plus de 10 millions de personnes, devenant ainsi l'exposition d'un artiste vivant la plus visitée de l'histoire de l'art."

Dancing With Elephants

Swimming with The Manatee

Feather to Fire

Merci beaucoup Pan.


  1. Nino, THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending me this link. As you knew, it delighted me and filled my heart so full. I think it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I adore elephants, as did my grandma before me, so that was extra special. But the leopards in the dunes ..... and the words ...... I hadnt heard of Gregory Colbert but he is an artistic genius.

    You might like a book I loved, that made me weep - Elephant Winter by Kim Echlon, about a young pregnant woman who winters in a barn with some elephants and comes to understand the sounds they make in their communication. Very beautiful.

    Wow. I am sated. What a glorious way to start the morning. Thank you once again. I am filled with beauty and light and hope for mankind after all:)Because they can create such beauty, in place of all the darkness.

  2. Hello Nino, Sherry just sent me this link to your blog, so here I am :) I love the Ashes and Snow project, it is one of the saving graces of visual imagery today. I have seen the exhibition online but not the detail of these particular videos, so this is wonderful! Did you get a chance to see the exhibition in person while it was travelling around the world? I look forward to discovering your poetic blogs x

  3. Nino, thanks so much for sending me this. I was able to view "dancing with elephants" but my computer is not allowing me to see the other two.
    I have bookmarked it, so I can check back later.
    You have made my evening with this special gift.

  4. lovely music and magical images, thanks for sharing.

  5. Ninot Ma'am,
    Beautiful rendition of art forms in motion. The slow motion technique makes it elegant and graceful. Exquisite! Thanks for sharing


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