The Tree Branch

Against the sunlit sky
A tree branch reaches high
A sanctuary

For birds in midflight

Against the moonlight
A tree branch in sight 
A harbinger of shadows

A lonely owl perched

Against stormy weather
A tree branch offers shelter
Desperate last grasp

A lost soul held tight

Against elements
A tree branch is protection
Nooks and recesses

For all seeking creatures


Over at d'Verse, Victoria C Slotto shares a great article on how The Medium is the Message. We are encouraged to try our hand at descriptive writing, and a deeper layer within it. I am trying to do this, but I am not sure how far I have succeeded. Running against the d'Verse deadline, this was the best I could do.

The deeper meaning, perception within the poetry - that was the challenging bit.


  1. This is so well written, stunning imagery. I love trees and all the symbology associated with them. I'l add your link if it's not there.

    1. Thank you so much. I am so glad I made the Linky this week.

      Great inspiration from d'Verse this week!

  2. I like the symbol of tree - sanctuary and protection ~ Good one ~

    1. Throughout history, trees have been so important to us. And yet we fail to embrace them.

  3. the trees offer so much life...and so we tear them down to clear land for a all the life you put in it...and you did well even against the deadline...smiles.

    1. ...and so we tear them down to clear land for a superstore....

      Oh Brian. That reminder hurts so deep.

  4. Very nicely put. I like the repetition of the theme. Trees do offer many things to many..well things and humans too. This made me think of The Giving Tree.

    1. Now that you mentioned, it Gretchen, you are right...

  5. Ninot Ma'am,
    A salvation and many more. A life-line for many! Great write, Ma'am!


  6. Against destruction
    Man made commercialisation

    Trees face extinction

  7. Well I think you managed it very well. I love the metaphysical line "for all seeking creatures" at the end. Love the birds, the owl, the branch. A poem about a tree is always loved by me!

    1. You and I Sherry, we share the same love for nature!

  8. ...Dverse truly saved the best for last...very stunning write and gives me multiple layers of understanding & perspectives on tree branches... Your words are like tree branches to me...i am the bird..and with my li'l feet i will hover from boughs to boughs...and then a learning will come and leave some smiles...excellent write ma'am...

    1. I so love the way you see this, Kelvin. I think all throughout my involvement in the blogosphere, this is the highest compliment my poetry has received.

      I thank you.

  9. This is so impressive, Ninot! A beautiful piece just based on a tree branch.
    We often fail to realize the benefits that nature is providing. There are also important things in life that often go unnoticed, just like the tree branch in the picture which never seems to do any good.

    1. You are so right, Zunnur. We take trees for granted. Imagine a world without the green landscape?

  10. Wonderful exploration of the facets of a tree branch. I think it is particularly striking to look at tree branches in the moonlight..and see the shadows of birds and nests. And the whole world is silent!

    (So glad to see you at PU.)

    1. Thanks Mary! I see how busy you are taking care of Poets United. Thank you for all your untiring work!

      Yes, the landscape is the same but the backdrop changes - and the moonlight is almost always the most beautiful scene. But surely never silent, Mary? For poets?

  11. Love the writing here. "A lost soul held tight" is such a potent line, and placed as it is really works. Excellent stuff!

    1. Dear Gavin,

      Thank you so much for dropping by. I am glad you liked what you found here, I loved your blog - it reminded me of poems I used to read when the world was a lot slower and we could watch butterflies flitting from branch to branch.


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