Onangkiu, the ancient princess of Gellangui called to her father
Her mother, her ancestors - all was lost. Beloved country razed to the ground
Anguish seeped deep into the motherland
Ancient eyes
Looking to the skies
Chilled bones die
Strength from within grew stronger as the blue moon appeared. Moon spiced
thrill ran up and down her spine, giving the chills. Her awakening was a wonder
to behold in the brilliant spotlight under the stars, amidst ancient forest
Starry eyes
Cold splendour at night
Blue moon sighs
Her ceremonial coming of age rites gave her the luminous spark of life
She turned away from the sun forever and embraced the night. The princess
became the prophetess, the queen of the new ages
Lovers' eyes
Stars at sea guides
her journey
They went to her for news, for life, for medicine. They came for hope
She held out her hand, come my people - do not despair, I shall live
So, she lived by the light of the blue moon, in a new land - Queen!
Copyright 2012 (c) ninotaziz