Pomegranates lie in wait
From the precarious moment
Its seed germinates
Such is life’s momentum
From birth to blossoms
Bearing fruits in service
Until the earth welcomes
Newly scattered seeds
Seeds of awareness.
Pakcik's response:
Hamba berdoa
Hamba memohon
Harapnya berbunga
Sebatang pohon
[I pray for the blooms]
Biarpun tak berbau
Tak berwarna bunganya
Yang hamba rayu
Buahnya berguna
[Regardless of scent and beauty, I hope they become fruits]
Harimau dan Manusia
Belang dan nama
Apalah guna
[What is the use of the stripes of the tiger....and the fame of the man]
Kepada Mu Tuhan ku
Aku memohon
Dosa nya dosa ku
Semoga diampun
[To you God...I seek forgiveness for our wrong doings]
I am blessed to have met quite a few distinguished people in their golden years
who have cared to share their life experience. Some through cyberspace like Sherry and Al-Manar(Pakcik),
some like Mak Ungku and Puan Sri Nik Daud, all whose life stories are
so rich in experience and lessons to be learnt,if only we listen...and listen carefully.
Recently Pakcik lost a good friend and his posting inspired the above poem,
which in turn inspired his own pantun.
I have inserted some English interpretation for ease of understanding.