I call to my wings of rapture
Let my music dance afire
Find my lover's innermost desires
Upon the waves of the great divide
I call to my wings of peace
Let my words of humanity
Find my lost kin across the sea
Upon the waves of motherhood
I call to my wings of nature
Let my soothing lullaby
Find my baby in sweet slumber
Upon the waves of emptiness
I call to my wings of faith
And let my caressing voice
Find calm in a world of chaos
For I am merely
The enchantress of magical words
Come to do your bidding...
Sur les ondes
Sur les ondes de la solitude
Je donne la parole à mes ailes de l'extase
Que ma musique de danse feu
Et trouver le cœur de mon amour
Trouver le calme dans un monde de chaos
Pour tu...pour tu seulement
Written for Writers' Island