To the genius I never knew

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."
~ Lao Tzu

This poem is not even a poem. It is a dedication to a boy, I never knew
A man, whose life I had a glimpse of - made possible by his father, I never met

Oh, what brilliance
In the moment of abandon
To the music

Gone too soon. And yet, there is a connection, this frail humanity that travels the dotted line of blogosphere gives me hope that we are one. We feel and share a genuine bond

Yes, we do know
when sincerity shines through
pain and joy mingles

We are alive and real. I extend my hand and hope you feel this hug
that travelled miles across the lonely ocean of millennia, Stafford

For there are many
whose lives you have touched
and left enriched

Good night, Stafford. Sleep well.

For your music maker
Tinker genius is sleeping well


Inspired by Poets United
Written for Stafford Ray


  1. Ninot, this is so moving. Yes, this wonderful online community supports and encourages us all as we move through the joy and pain of living. I thank God for it. Especially moving are your words for Stafford that his music maker is sleeping well tonight. No more pain for him, but so much for those who love him. So sad. But, through his father's words and yours, this boy is still touching lives.

    1. Dear Sherry,
      I saw your post over at Stafford's. We all have my own sorrows. My brother, when he was younger, he was the most beautiful boy in the neighborhood, in the village, in the town. It breaks my heart to see him age before his time.

  2. Music maker tinker genius .. so incredibly beautiful. He will always be Stafford's little boy.

    1. Yes, Helen. I am beginning to realize that our children will always be our little ones...

  3. A touching tribute to the beautiful relationships that we develope here on blogger. Stafford has always been an amazing voice in the blogosphere. His pain and loss will touch those that he has touched in the blogging world. Thank you so much Ninot for this beautiful and touching poem. You have a beautiful spirit that reflects out through the blogosphere.

    1. We can always count on Stafford for enlightenment and cheer. And therefore, his sorrow reached out to me, Carrie.

  4. What a lovely poem. Relationships are everyone's best friend. Loved reading this.

    1. You bring so much comfort to your patients, Kristjaan. You would understand how important relationships are.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Karen. We live a beautiful life...

  6. Thank you so much Ninot and anyone who reads this. I have drawn much solace from you wonderful people who share a big slice of my life.
    These days have been as a dream with the present so displaced by the past forcing its way into consciousness. But I do know how much I must have been on line, reading and replying, by the state of my ship's batteries! :-)

    1. We will always be here Stafford to read your heartwarming replies. Thank you for being there for all of us too.

  7. I like that abandon to music and touching the hearts across the miles ~

    My share:

    1. Loved your blog. Loved the feeling of abandon there too.

  8. We wrote along similar veins...

    1. Yes Kim, the mother in me really connected with your poem. Thank you. And take care.


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