
Are you the ocean, ever evolving, all the more the same?  Whose tides of change depend on the moon? What mysteries deep within, colder as you get to the core. Are you the one that ensnares ships passing in the night? 

velvety surface
changing tides, unknown depths
as seasons change


Like a siren that calls, the winds, your locks of midnight raven reach out. When the winds die, they wrap around your figurative body - sensual and sinewy. Enveloping like the indigo sky above. The tip of a bursting horizon. Ecstasy. 

lost within the waves
the wind calls and I return
to your lair of love

This is me drowning in you. Floating on cloud nine above the Indian ocean. Where the succulent smells of mango and dreams of the pomergranate permeate my awareness. Shared tea overflows, and seeps through. 


My haiku Ocean for Leo at Haiku Heights
Morphed into a haibun The Sensual Ocean, for Grace at  dversepoets oln
Edited to elevate for a tighter read for Kim at Poets United

 Copyright © 2013 ninotaziz. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Ninot Ma'am,
    Everything that one sees in an ocean! Great haiku!


  2. ah at seasons change, the depths are def there to be plumbed....smiles..rather like the oceans...

    1. I fear its depth, yet love its horizon.

      Does the horizon belong to the skies or the sea?

    2. there is an interesting duality in that...much like love...it can leave us bouyant one moment and drown us the next...smiles.

    3. it is the duality of the waves...like love...it can make us bouyant one moment and drown us the next...smiles.

    4. Loved the duality point of view Brian. When I started out with this poem, I did not see the co-relation between the ocean and love. Grace's write-up somehow brought that out in me.

      An interesting experiment - honing this poem.

  3. Oceans are my favorite thing. Loved this.

  4. velvety surface. I liked the words. nice haiku.

  5. true..good usage of words..
    loved reading

  6. Brought to my mind the calm sea above and the dangerous unseen depths with changing currents!! Lovely!!

    1. Dear Nanka,

      I tried to comment on your page but could not. I hope ypou received my message which was :

      'The picture and poetry take me back in time. William Shakespeare writing The Twelfth Night…for I imagine ships today must be like everything modern - sleek, silent, soulless.'

  7. An elegant haiku mirroring the classic one.

  8. Beautiful haiku dear ~ I love the velvety surface of the changing tides and call of the wind ~ Do we listen to it as seasons passed or are we renewed with its caress, like a new lover ~ I am happy that my other person, Heaven - is part of your inspiration ~ Thank you ~

  9. Beautiful haibun. How I yearn for the 'caress of the ocean.'

  10. Beautiful haibun, I love it!

    within the mist
    she appears as a myth
    with a story to tell

  11. Beautiful verses, both. Sorry to have missed your site lately. Hope you are well.

  12. Haiku are my favourite form of poetry, so you know I'm going to love this, ninot. I like how you've morphed the two forms into one piece. Lovely. :-)

  13. Love your haiku and how your weaved it into that beautiful haibun making it complete...

  14. I just wrote my first haibun - I like the way this piece fits together with masterful words
    The ocean is always a favorite of mine

  15. I am less affected by the moon, more perhaps it is the sea. The sea draws me back I think as I was there in the beginning. Maybe it is a yearning to be drawn back to the womb? Would you know?
    What does all this have to do with your poem? Well I would not have had such thoughts had I not read your poem. And re-read it . . . and again.
    So it has an impact. You must have so intended.

  16. I love the sea, and your haibun on the ocean here wins the Internet for me today. I loved all the imagery of equating someone with the power of the ocean. It made me read your work thrice. I am now a fan and will visit regularly. :O)

  17. ...Ninot, these are sheer perfection of Haibun... i am still learning the form to write one but would love to write many sometime... loved this... smiles...


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