The Elements : A Glosa

If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay 

                                                                Sting, Fragile 

From the moment discovered
Doomsday was foretold
Traveling at breakneck speed, the winds
Bring news of war and suffering
It all finally comes undone
When humans were bent on conquering metal
There must have been only one reason
All the world to satisfy our wants
If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one 

As the last drops disappear
And still we mine and plunder
Bottled necessity, so frivolous
Fast becoming the world's precious
Liquid gold as thirst becomes
The ultimate determinant of luxury
goods, branded Evian and Perrier
A dying child will not be the only one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun 

Whittling through space, paradise
At dawn, the mist creates a wonderland
To mirror the clouds high above
At noon, the lakes reflect the skies
Whatever color of the day
And at twilight, stars gently glow
The moon floating between the boughs
Oh, do you really believe it when Sting says
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away

Can you imagine, life without air
Where is our reason, and what is fair
And yet we annihilate trees
Without paying heed to realities
Who will be responsible, who will pay
We care not, if we keep silent
And ignore the writing on the wall
We scorn the over zealous news of the day
But something in our minds will always stay 

Oh, how fragile we are.


 For dVersepoets OLN. A glosa in tribute to one of my favorite poets, Sting.
And thank you Samuel Peralta again for the gloss.

 Copyright © 2013 ninotaziz. All Rights Reserved.


  1. wow. what a last line...its really effective...esp following the trip through the sad fire to metal makes weapons---our only way to get what we want and that water becomes a commodity not all can afford...

  2. Each stanza is beautiful. But the one on air most moves me. Yes, we annihilate trees....with hardly a thought at all. And yes, we are fragile, but we may not realize it as we should.

  3. We scorn the over zealous news of the day
    But something in our minds will always stay

    Ninot Ma'am,
    The elements are friends and foes alike. News tend to provoke but necessary to have. Man seems the predator and the elements can only sigh! Brilliant take!


  4. Ninot, a reflective poem, written beautifully. The state of the world is in disarray, it is so sad on many levels.


  5. Ah yes, Sting is one of my favourites as well. I particularly like "If I Ever Lose My Faith" and "They Dance Alone", and these do come perilously close to poetry. I only say 'perilously close' because some of his meter is filled with instrumentals instead of words. And here, what a wonderful use you make of some of his lyrical poetry, in "Fragile", both a tribute and an original composition. Beautifully wrought.


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