Earth - couplets, haiku and a pleiade

I wonder why the clouds are grey
With not a sight of raindrop all day

Rivers no longer rush with thrill to sea
Amidst sluggish crawl to break free

From all the hazards from the towns
From way up high, down to the ground

Is it time for mother earth to retreat
Abandon all of us to our own beat

Shall we be like moths to the flame
When no one is left to take the blame

As she rises in all her fury and might
And we will be defeated in this fight.

For Magpietales


mother earth sighs with apprehension as she tries to break free,
no more

For Poets United


Earth - beauty, unrivaled
Ever faithful sunrise
Each moment, like crystal
Evermore as we part
Evening, a hallowed treat
Expansive starry night
Earth - beauty, unrivaled

For Dversepoets

three poems by ninotaziz


I haven't been writing for a while. But I miss poetry so much. And what better muse, than mother earth, herself?


  1. What a nice set.. and the theme of mother earth and what we do to here is one I can sympathize with.. what shall we do to change?

    1. What shall we do indeed,Björn? For one, we teach. And empower the younger generation. But is it too late?

  2. I think we need to work as hard as we can to show that we are Mother Earth's friend rather than her enemy; we have been disappointing and hurting her way too long.

    1. So true Mary. But at least, as writers, we can help influence others to love mother earth.

  3. Stopping evolution is a human task (that takes teaching I agree)

  4. Mother Earth is the boss and so it might be a good idea to be kind stewards of this earth instead of greedy plunderers..

  5. Nature and the earth will always win out!!....beautiful write though and thanks for you kind comments on my piece..x

  6. Mother earth is a beauty unrivaled ~ Perhaps someday we will get her message to take care of her gifts ~ Good to see you ~

  7. i specially like the american sentence & agree with Cressida...

  8. if and when mother earth decides she has finally had enough...i am not sure i want to be around...just saying....smiles..

  9. I think the earth could be covered with sulphurous clouds , oceans of acid ...but in them , there will be some bacteria that really thrives on acid , loves it in fact ....perhaps then something will eventually crawl out that breathes sulphur , settles down with another little sulphur breather and build a little nest ..

  10. A very nice dedication to mother earth but we have done enough damage to her and now we should be ready to bear its burnt.

  11. I really like the earth poem at the bottom. You captured some of its beauty so well.

  12. Very strong imagery on the first. Especially enjoyed the second. Well done Pleiade!

  13. The second poem is so great. It says so much more than just the small words it is written with.

  14. Mother be her earth or human soul...carries a heavy burden to nurture and enlighten....sometimes we do not hold on to what is given....Love what you did here in all these pieces Ninot....lovey to see you back...I have missed you!

  15. So nice to see you here! Love the response to each challenge .. reminds me of how Anthony North fashioned his blog posts (I saw that you wondered about him) ~ the Pleiades firm is incredibly difficult! you managed it beautifully!

  16. So pleasing to read out loud...thank you...

  17. Sad truth. Nice writing. I love Mother Earth and try my best to live a life that protects her.


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