The Sweet Days Die

the secret
this rough magic
the time of our time

imagine a place

chasing rumi
the name of the rose
a midsummer's night dream
the prophecies
of nostradamus

east of the sun
west of the moon



This is a LATE response to Samuel's prompt over at dVerse Bar
Book Spine Poetry

These are books from my bedroom shelves. I suppose if I pick books from the girls' Young Adult collection it would be an apocalypse poetry! 


  1. I really like your selection -- it flows in such an effortless way -- a time capsule of awareness! :)

    Thank you for the breadcrumb, the visit and the comment --

    1. Oh Becca, I love that - time capsule of awareness!

      Welcome again to dVerse!

  2. Ninot Ma'am,
    A grand collection and smooth recollection of titles. Nicely!


  3. nice...umberto eco! i like....
    and i like how abundance is left hanging out there
    giving it weight...

    1. Thanks Brian! I loved this challenge by Sam. Sorry I could not participate more in dVerse these past few weeks. It has been kind of hectic.

  4. What a richly contemplative stack of titles! Loved the poem you created from them.

    1. Thanks Sherry. Just some books I quickly picked of the shelves. I read the prophecies of nostradamus to practice my French!

  5. Hi Loredana! Buon giorno…I am fine. Last week ended with my book Hikayat being a finalist in Malaysia's first ever live telecasted national Book Awards in both English Adult Fiction and Most Popular book. So I should be happy. But there again, we writers are always chasing the elusive.

    How else can we improve. Yet the harder we try, the harder it gets :-)

    Thank you for dropping by!

  6. east of the sun
    west of the moon
    abundance...this is fantastic... an idea of location and then the abundance that kinda deepens and opens it..

  7. Why, thank you Claudia! Imagine A Place and East of The Sun are lovely picture books for the kids, putting them here with all the books for adults was fun!

  8. Abundance indeed Ninot ~ Lovely interesting titles & I think you should pick up the young ladies books too, smiles ~

    1. Funny you should say that Grace. I just walked over to their room. Inkspell, The Book Thief, Dragonlores and The City of Dreaming Books have so much possibilities.

    2. The book titles are imaginative ~ Smiles all the way from Toronto ~

  9. This is wonderful! Books always transport you to another world, and this poem is similarly transportive, a magic carpet to faraway lands beyond the points of the compass, full of mystery and promise. Beautifully done!

    1. Thank you so much Sam. I adore your prompts and challenges - just the thing to bring me back to poetry when I am sidetracked with the 1001 things that life throws at us.

  10. You have written a wonderful 'spine poem, Ninot. Actually I would not have known it was a spine poem unless you mentioned it. Titles were masterfully arranged.

  11. What a wonderful response. You really fitted them well together.. Glad I visited :-)

  12. Wonderful response to the challenge. Love your titles - the poem they made is expansive, and thought provoking.


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