
In a quiet space at the far corner of the world, there are no humans. The universe is still wondrous magic. The red sun gives way to the red moon, for the earth, though beautiful, is still suffering the dust that mankind leaves behind after a day's hard work. At polluting the air. The winds. The desert.

sand drops silently
into the desert of moons
witness to starburst

In the green verdant lush forest deep in the jungle, there are no humans. The tree canopies open up to the skies of flurrying clouds. The brooks give way to streams to rivers, laboring under the burden of progress that mankind deems so necessary. Polluting the river. The seas. The oceans.

tear drops with a splash
into the yawning ocean
gasping for air -

In the mindless stream of the digital consciousness, there are no humans. The internet is the wondrous highway that connects us all in a mysterious manner. Revolution gives way to revelation to renaissance of thought. Youtube, new media and twitter find their way to be relevant. Polluting the mind. The soul.

sable tombe -
dans le désert de lunes
voit la nuit étoilée

by ninotaziz. all rights reserved.


My Haibun this week for Haiku Heights


  1. Exceptional writing and the haiku are master level

    1. Dear MLM,

      I kept searching for you. Thank you for your very high praise, much appreciated. I know there are many writers who write much better poetry that is cryptic and marvelous, that sings and cries and sighs. Me - I always try to do the best I can with the time I have.

  2. Exquisite!!...... and your concern for deterioration -
    environmental or life in general!!

    1. Thank you Nanka for your observation. Life is precious. All life.

  3. Revolution gives way to revelation to renaissance of thought...true that...and pollution is not limited to the earth but we def pollute each other as well...

    1. hiya ninot...enjoyed your interview the other day...

    2. Thank you Brian. Sherry really went all out. Bless her.

      BTW, I sent in my entry! All the best!

  4. So many different kinds of changes....bringing pollution of various kinds. As far as the third haibun, I think the internet has yielded mixed blessings. We wouldn't be reading each other's words without it, but I know there is its dark side as well.

    1. Oh yes…the dark side is scary. But the good far outweighs the bad, Mary? Or does it really?

      I believe so. I cherish my blogosphere family. It is real.

  5. I think its sad that one day, everything will be sand and dust with the way we are using and wasting away resources ~ Haibun style is excellent form ~

    1. Will it be sad? I don't know Grace, the earth might be a BEAUTIFUL blue marble without humans.

  6. The pollution of environment and us with trivia. Great write. New forms of communication used to lead to real new knowledge. Not this time, it seems.

    1. Pollution has another name, Sir Anthony. Excessive waste! Never a good thing.

  7. Ninot Ma'am!
    Come to think of it. What it'll be like when there're no humans to pollute the eco-system. Wouldn't the sand settle and clear itself peacefully. Yes, wouldn't it! Brilliant take Ma'am!


    1. Thank you Sir Hank. Will Mankind ever learn?

  8. Man does tend to pollute everything but we must not forget the magic he creates sometimes.

    1. Oh yes. The relationship between earth and mankind is rather like an old marriage?

  9. Your first haiku is breathtaking, Ninot. The entire piece is thought-provoking. A wonderful haibun.

    1. Thank you Sherry. I really enjoyed myself with this piece. I am reworking it...

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Madeleine…glad you found my'unforgettable' limerick acceptable.

  11. ...Ninot... these are brilliant set of thoughtful Haibuns... i am learning to the principles of it these days & hopefully i will be able to write one or more sometime in the future... smiles... i enjoyed it... thank you...

    1. I am glad you like this haibun, Kelvin. Over the years I have grown to love this format so much, partly because it is so easy to remember, and also because it combines prose and poetry.

      Glad you enjoyed it.

  12. p.s. »» i have also read your interview at poets united recently... and wow... you are a super woman to handle your loaded schedules... i was touched by how each member of your family extended support t'wards your passion & endeavors in life... you & your family are all inspiring in a variety of ways... i thank you for all you do t'wards the campaign & preserving of one aspect of our world's treasures... you are def. a hero for the future generations... i am happy & proud to have met you here in blogosphere... smiles...

    1. It has chosen me, this movement to revive Malay Hikayat. It is not an easy journey and perhaps I am rather obsessed by this passion of mine. But I can't help myself and it is my luck that my family feels the same way. Or rather, they have been persuaded, cajoled and pressed on to help me in this quest.

      But Mum's the best - she is more passionate than me!

  13. very beautiful! I read your interview at PU and somehow could not post a comment there. Its wonderful knowing you and your remarkable journey!

    1. Thank you Akila…quite a few could not post a comment. I have informed Sherry. I feel rather shy shy about having said so much…But that is my life for now!

      Thank you again.

  14. Hi Loredana, I just noticed, you are writing in French too! I am waiting for your poetry in Italian during your earlier days, my friend!

    Loves all the way to New York...

  15. As always I am enchanted when I read your words. Good to see you here again. Hope you are well.

  16. Hi Renee! I am fine. I just saw your poem about your grandson. My Ikesha who is seven is charming just like that - our blessings...


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