
Here, at a crossroad

I stand to be so delivered 
Here, at a crossroad
There are no cars, no bikes, no boats
I must pick myself up and work
On choices I inherited
Here at this crossroad.

by ninotaziz. all rights reserved.

For dVerse - thank you Tony for the rondelet.

This was too difficult to do in french!


  1. Choosing crossroads as the refrain is so good..and the alternatives intertwined between... very good.. ;.)

  2. Using the crossroad as the refrain allows a brief exploration of a number of directions within the constraints of the rondelet form. I like the way you've adapted the form to your requirements - something poets should be encouraged to do more of in my opinion.

    1. Thanks Tony, I love the repetitive refrain that allows us to drive home the message. And a little tweak and there is good, isn't it?

  3. Here, at a crossroad
    There are no cars, no bikes, no boats...mostly we're alone on that crossroads of life.. both...challenge and chance, isn't it...

  4. I like the refrain, including the subtle change on the last verse, this crossroad ~ Full of meaning too ~


  5. there is much to be found between the lines here - i love it.
    the solitude reverberates.

  6. work on choices i inherited....that line certainly puts a spin on many times we come to that crossroads...and inherited or not we have to make our did really well ninot...

  7. I like the subtle change in the refrain. Adds lots to think about.

  8. Ninot Ma'am,
    Comes a time when crossroads appear to put challenges against us. It'll be all the fun to reflect back how we manage to overcome - with tears, laughter and sweat! Brilliant take, Ma'am!


  9. This is the way of life for sure. So many choices to be made at the crossroads of life....dealing with what we were handed in life, much of which is outside of our control.

  10. some way or another we all must come & face the same crossroads... and the only thing we differ, i guess, is on who dare better than the other to chase that inherited choice/s that await/s in every other crossroads we take &/or about to take... very insightful Ninot... a kind of poetry that matters deep & stays long not only in mind but in heart as well... loved this... smiles...

    1. Thanks Kelvin. I am at one - incidentally I met Prof Jerry Esparto of Philippines in Jogja Indonesia at a conference early this month.

      I hope to visit Philippines soon - loved what I heard about the arts and literature scene.

  11. Great choice of refrain - I really enjoyed your rondolet.

  12. The rondolet is a perfect form for this message.

    1. It is, isn't it? The repeated refrain is a very affirmative effect.

  13. loved your refrain - we find ourselves at these crossroads so very often in life..

    1. I am at one now, and everyday, the choice seems clearer in my mind.

  14. I like this feeling of being in between decisions. I have finished your book and I found it be absolutely enchanting. You descriptive words gave life to all of your characters and made me feel as though they could be alive here and now, even today. I commend you and congratulate you on this achievement. Your grandmother, I'm sure, is reading this from the heavens and is proud.

  15. Renee,

    Your words come at my crossroad and comforts me that I am making the right choice. I am so touched by your comment, my heart is singing.

    Thank you.


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