The night is borderless

the night is borderless,  I give myself
to the moment, of truth, of love, of joy
my ledger is poor but I know real wealth
the sunbreak appears, there is no void
and my cup of happiness overflows
I embrace the real life,  not the decoy
the evening wanes, there is no more sorrow
for both the bitter and sweet make me whole
I await the promise of tomorrow
for I have learnt to love body and soul
to be thankful for family, for health
and how love brings me into its true fold
the night is borderless, I give myself
to the moment  - and accept nothing less.

la nuit est sans frontière
et je me donne du bonheur
words by ninotaziz. all rights reserved
an ode to a moment of joy

Wow, I had this ready and was waiting for Brian's OLN link to come up on dVerse. I missed my 5.00am writing hour this morning and bang – there’s 110 poems posted! Anyway, I am writing about the joy of having come halfway through life – mundane stuff – that really turned out to be the best thing for me as a woman, a writer, a mother, daughter, a wife, an ex-wife, sister,  a friend, a sisterhood, corporate figure – and now back to being a student (doing my Masters in Malay Lit)!

I love being a woman, and hope our daughters achieve all their dreams and more.

Heritage is too precious, and I do my best to leave something behind.
Don’t we all….

And dear Kim, what serendipity. I hope you see this - The Cure is


Living the life we have with passion.



  1. and my cup of happiness overflows
    I embrace the real life,not the decoy

    Ninot Ma'am,
    When happiness is in abundance, one makes choices. One chooses the best of offerings to reward oneself. That means one does not accept less. There are no pretenses. That's how I read this. Nicely!


    1. Oh,how wonderful! Thank you Sir Hank - it is a personal statement for sure.

  2. True happiness is beyond the control of materialism. It is about being grateful with what we're blessed with and to live life with a smile. It is about love, family, health and inner peace.
    Lovely poem as always!

    1. Dear Zunnur,
      I am so glad to see you here. I hope you managed to read some of my mythical takes last week.

      Family is everything - and I smile when I say this in front of the girls. They would quip, No Mak. Allah first!

    2. Mind you, I am not terribly religious, but I have somehow managed to instill in them love of God and to be grateful first above all. Which is strange when I see many more religious parents forgetting this simple focus.

    3. I missed quite a number of your posts, I was so busy and was not able to blog. However, I took your advise and wrote in my head. Words came "trailing along like a little train" every time I took my bath and brushed my teeth, and despite the busy days, I was able to produce a poem :)

      Thanks for the inspiring advice! Hopefully I can maintain the momentum :)

      I read your older posts, they're great and I love the ghazal.
      I'm glad that you've taught your children the important basics which like you said, are overlooked by some religous parents.

  3. my ledger is poor but I know real wealth

    now that is real is def not the cause of joy...i am smiling at your over flowing cup as well....the happiness in just reading of joy....

    1. Thank you Brian - great congregation of poets this week - testimony to how you pull us all together.

  4. Quite a reflective poem...I love the sense of self-acceptance that comes through.

    1. Self acceptance is a gift - thank you Victoria.

  5. Joy should be captured when it emerges...of course with no contrast like anything else it loses its lustre.

    1. How true. We can only appreciate true joy after knowing profound pain. And yes, we have our moments.

  6. Beautifully done! I especially liked:
    "the sunbreak appears, there is no void
    and my cup of happiness overflows
    I embrace the real life, not the decoy:

    And thanks for your fun contribution to this week's Limerick-Off. I hope you'll be a frequent participant. (I post a new one every Sunday, and they run all week.)
    Madeleine Begun Kane

    1. Dear Madeleine,
      O do not think I have ever done a limerick in my life so I tiptoed my piece - I will try!

      And thank you for dropping by and your kind words.

  7. Gorgeous == I think the ability to be borderless is the best you will leave behind. How can you get better than nebulosity.

    1. The ability to be borderless.

      How perceptive and motivating you are Sabio. Thank you.

    2. Again, came back to visit (Poets United). A finer read the second time!

    3. Fun second read (for Poets United), especially uniting sorrow and joy.

  8. Love the way your rhyme springs through this poem. So easy to read but full of nuggets of wisdom. Sounds lovely in French as well. Can you do more of that?
    Thank you for your comment too.

    1. Ha ha! Thanks Aprille for the lovely words - but my French is very limited!

      You can find them here at la poesie de ninotaziz et victor hugo:

  9. good it is to just simply be carried away by the night without weighing too much on anything... just simply living the moment not thinking of how you should be in the next hour or two... ah, if only i can grace myself with such emptiness... so many to like in your words today Ninot... perfect for some reflection.... smiles...

    1. Oh dear dear Kelvin,
      I have gone through my sleepless nights and harrowing decisions. Still do, but I am grateful for what I have.

      Sigh, a little bit of tension between Philippines and Malaysia at the moment - I am glad I have friends like you.

    2. By the way, Kelvin, I saw your comments over at Henry's - your English is perfectly lovely and speaks to so many of us. Language is to be felt, shared and loved - not used as a tool to berate, put down or be condescending...well, maybe in politics. I feel for Henry.

  10. beautiful. I really like the ideas of the ledger is poor but I know real wealth, for both the bitter and the sweet make me whole, the night is borderless and the inclusion of the french here was a great touch. Very nicely done. Thanks

    1. Thanks, Fred. This was a fun write that just played itself on its own.

  11. the night is borderless, I give myself
    to the moment - and accept nothing less

    ... love that... in the moment is the love (and I agree, it is the cure).

    1. Recognising it is often the hardest part, Laurie.

  12. I love the pearls of wisdom here, to embrace all that we are, scars and darkness all, to live and appreciate our journey and specially the moment now ~ A pleasure to visit you (in cyberspace) ~

    Cheers ~

    1. I do not pretend to be wise, Grace, but I try to keep in touch with my innermost thoughts.

  13. There is real wisdom here, beautifully expressed in you gentle words. A joy to read, and much to ponder on.

  14. "My ledger is poor, but I know real wealth." This is wisdom indeed...something to think about daily, I think. And yes, we do have to be thankful for family, friends, AND love indeed. With these blessings, each of us can indeed be rich.

    1. Being here in this poet community blogosphere is an enriching experience itself Mary!

  15. Accepting nothing less is the right attitude!

  16. this is truly wonderful and so optomistic:
    une vie sans frontières est un vrai bonheur, mon cher!

  17. A beautiful poem - your optimism and hope are written in every word!

    1. We must capture those moments of happiness - thank you Robyn!

  18. or I have learnt to love body and soul
    to be thankful for family, for health
    and how love brings me into its true fold

    Loved this - The cure is love and love does bring us into the fold. Well done

    1. Thank you Alan - love is a very big part of life for me and our family. Helps us get through those rough patches.

  19. Giving yourself to the moment, bitter or sweet, is borderless wisdom.

    1. Sometimes we just have to give in - thanks Libby.

  20. Both poems are inspiring and uplifting. You did a beautiful job--so glad you are writing and enjoying life! :-)

    1. We take the good and the bad, the highs and the low - all the better to appreciate life, Sara.

  21. beautiful... in word and in sentiment.

    1. From the feelings, words are easier to come by. Thank you Joanna...


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