Les chansons d'autrefois

the songs from long ago
a moment in time

dredge up a plethora
of emotions, unbeckoned

an era, long gone
its mistakes linger over the Rideau

its sweetness, unbearable.


les chansons d'autrefois
très intime, pourquoi
le soleil est si froid

je pleure un peu, par le Rideau

words by ninotaziz. all rights reserved.

A few days ago, Gretchen reminded us of the power of music to influence our innermost thoughts.

This is what I felt listening to Rainbow's Street of Dreams and Led Zeppelin's All of My Love over the last few days in my head. My staple music back then  - Scorpion, Rainbow, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, and Depeche Mode. And Eurythmics. With momentary enrapture over Eight Seconds, Level 42, Pet Shop Boys and yes - Duran Duran.

For dVerse's Open Link Night.

After visiting Bjorn's Vampire Night, I am shocked I forgot to include Sting right at the top of the list.


  1. smiles...its mistakes and its sweetness...i like the dichotomy in this...as it is both....i loved zep growing up...still like to listen...ha. you listened to some fun bands...

  2. Ninot Ma'am,
    Led Zeppelin, Duran Duran and the blonde in Eurythmics! My, do they bring back memories of that moment in time? How nice! Those were the days of not too long ago! When it comes to music it rings true all the time and it seems like only yesterday! Nicely!


    1. What would we do without music, Sir Hank! It helps me with many many things.

  3. Oh how the music takes us back......and how poignant those memories are in the swiftness of time's passing. Beautiful, Ninot!

    1. Sherry, I am so happy to hear your latest great news!

  4. I don't know if I can over look the Duran Duran thing :) Kidding. A very beautiful poem on a very real subject. Songs, music symbolize an era of our lives. I believe Cohen wrote: Memories are created when clusters of hundreds or thousands of neurons fire in a unique pattern. Certain music creates differnt patterns, maybe. I loved this, especially the flavour of frenchness and your word selections. Scorpions were a german rock band I believe? There are some guitarists I have studied. I liked the uniqueness of the sound in the era you write of. Excellente. Made me smile.

    1. Chansons du passé restent souffle dans les poumons de l'avenir. Parfois, flotter tout ce que nous pouvons faire.

      I had to come back to your poem when i realized connection between our two writes. Though not a song visit in the night, memory past can still effect the future, or the present of tense.

    2. Oui, votre mots ce sont tres vrai. Parfois nous ne sont pas souvient pourquoi. Il est juste ainsi.

      Merci, Henry, mon ami au Canada.

  5. Love languages but never had the chance to take French in school...many other languages but not French. This is a beautiful piece.

    1. Thank you Renee. I only have English,Malay and I struggle to keep my French alive. That is why I try to write French poetry even while I FEAR the French will laugh at it!

  6. Beautiful..too many songs it's impossible to count ;)

    1. Thank you Katy. I love too many artiste from different genres...

  7. That's quite an eclectic taste you have there - a bit like me. No Scorpions (although I liked them back then), Depeche mode, Level 42 or Pet Shop Boys on my iPod, but all the others make an appearance.

    1. I listen to music on my iPad, Tony. And nowadays, when I listen to music, I give myself to reverie.

  8. Very nice music taste here. I've grown to love Led Zepelin recently, and Kashmir makes my toes tingle.

    I recall my first real favorite band was 10CC and I still enjoy them sometimes.

    Great poetry

    1. 10cc. Wow, that was a long time ago. Now I would have to look them up again, Björn!

  9. nino, this is lovely and love how you intermingle French with English in the poem. Thanks for the nice comment on my write this week.


    1. You are most welcome, Pamela. It was a heartfelt comment - foremost point being, there are much more similarities between religion, than differences.

      Thank you for being here, and for enjoying this poem!

  10. i always find it stunning how many emotions an old song can evoke..i remember times when i sat in the car after listening to an old song on the radio, unable to move cause i was so touched..

    1. I have had that moment. I ended up sobbing. More strange, I noticed some other drivers sobbing too.

      This was during the anniversary of the passing of one our most beloved Sudirman Haji Arshad, a couple of years ago.

      You are so right.

  11. Lingering over the Rideau is such a lovely phrase - very nice. Thanks. k.

  12. This was beautiful! It felt musical, and we listened to some of the same music. (Plus, this is the first time in ages that I read and understood French...without looking back up at the English above it. I'm so glad that after 6 years of lessons, I understand more than just how to swear!)


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