
Verdun, 1917 Felix Vollotton

Under the beauty of the blue heavens
Hillsides stripped, burned
Animals looked to the same sky

Cursed and cried

Acrid smoke, dried out earth
This relentless plunder
Sherry's standing people fall

Small and tall

So the floods came with force
Hurricanes and winter storms
We could only scramble high

And still we wonder why?


For me, the war against nature is of the greatest concern today.
For the Magpietales


  1. 'War against nature'?
    Maybe, but it is certainly rape. Both are crimes against the unwilling innocent.
    That is what your poem said to me, Ninot.

    1. Crimes against the unwilling innocent. Yes, that about sums it up, Stafford. If we burn, plunder and kill the people of a country, isn't that war?

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Anthony. Climate change is on my mind...

  3. Hi Loredana. Thank you for your lovely comment. I feel a sense of hope to see all our collective thoughts from all over the world. I hope Pleasantville has recovered from Sandy. And that you are safe and sound.

  4. Enjoyed the pace, the message in your poem.

    1. Thank you Helen. I am glad you liked it. I just saw your remarks left for Brian. There has been much sadness for our fellow bloggers this year. Take care Helen...

  5. It is like a war of nature isn't it Ninot?....This is a powerful and beautiful write....we are kindred spirits dear Ninot! :-)

  6. Excellent words - war has many guises...

    Anna :o]


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