The lock

I stand here, before a door - my hand on the handle questioning still, why am I here, what lies ahead of me, the gateway to my past or future beckons silently. "Unlock the portal, be free!

Am I to step out
This chilly morn of greyness
Or  stay put - be still

There is a silence in the hallway, the guardians of timeless prisons hold the key, both to the reason and means for this imprisonment of mind and soul,  the lost ones - we are neither aware nor do we care

Frozen inertia
My heart is the lock I hold
To my own doomed cell

And yet, this morning, at dawn break, oh! how glorious
Even though in my mind only, the sun rises above an imagined horizon
And I realise it is my first ever notion of time ?
I awaken with realisation of self, my toes, my nails

I sing aloud
Hitherto quiet, I can't hide
This bursting joy inside

In a moment of utter abandon, the ceiling cracks, the doors fling open wide to let in the river of awareness rushing, gushing, spilling over the floors of cold marble -warm, pulsing, swishing at my feet, and I dive
Into its embracing life

I am born !
And I swim towards the light
I gasp for air - I cry.

I unlock the gates of heaven and fall into the arms of a mortal - roar in triumph, oh joyous celebration.

I am home.

written for haiku heights

Copyright 2012 © zalina abdulaziz @ ninotaziz


  1. Unlock the womb, be free...nice line...and your heart being the lock preventing your freedom, vivid and true...i am glad freedom is found in the end...

    1. Hi Brian! Yeah, the words just rolled off the page!

  2. That's a pretty powerful concept: your heart as a lock to your own doomed cell.

    (May I kindly suggest changing "busting" to "bursting"? I think "busting" is much too colloquial for your purposes here.)

    The Lock Begins to Sing

    1. It was meant to be bursting. I reread these lines and can't believe I did not see it. Thanks ! And great to see you here !

  3. A very impact full Haiku with followed descriptions which make them even more intriguing..

    LOVED IT!!!

    1. Thank you Maharukh. Yes,I love doing haibun. If I were better at this,I should be doing strict haiku format.

  4. One of my favorites of yours, Ninot. I, too, was struck by the lines about one's heart being the lock to its own cell.......then the joy of daybreak, and the birth as a mortal at the end. Glorious writing!

    1. Thanks Sherry - you know me. This is another one of those poems of mine that wrote itself again.

  5. Ninot Ma'am,
    A homecoming through layers of trying times and you are at heaven's gates. Cleverly unlocked and a great write as always!


    1. Dear Sir Hank,
      Lovely to see you here. It has been difficult for me to find time for poetry and I miss it tremendously.

      With Hikayat out in the bookshops, I needed to focus on its promotion and my deadline for my first ever novel is LOOMING!

    2. Ninot Ma'am,
      You have your hands full.Promotions would take chunks of your time.Finishing the novel would be mentally exhausting. The fastest way to do anything is to do one thing at a time, Wonder if it's relevant here!


    3. Dear Sir Hank,
      I am trying to be true to that one thing at a time schedule.

  6. Great piece,. and wonderful style of narration and poetry,. please keep it up and I'l look forward reading this style again :)

    1. Thank you Jaideep. I enjoyed my visit to your site as well. What a pleasure

  7. That grayness - no end
    Morning, noon or night; no key
    to open that lock

    1. Dear Leo,

      I found you and Antara at your blog. Wonderful writers, you both are. Looking forward to reading more of your poetry.

  8. Powerful creation ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)


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