The portal

The portal leads me to another
place beyond my mind
another realm, another dream
sanctuary, this autumn
day comes at a high price
I watch my beloved
walk away, gone
is my only reason for happiness
in exchange for life
not worth living...

copyright 2012 © zalina abdul aziz @ ninotaziz
all rights reserved
for the magpietales


  1. The portal that we all must pass.....yet it is always so painful for the ones left behind....this is beautiful Ninot!!

  2. ouch that last bit carries a sting...on a complete side note...i used to traipse the woods as a kid and we always thought we had gone through a portal when we found large expanses of open country

  3. Brian!
    Same thing here. I was running, cycling everywhere when I was a kid (used to imagine I was on a horse cycling) in our forest, tunnels, rubber fields.

    There is a forest reserve here, when you walk under its canopied openness, you really feel you have been transported through a portal to a lost world.

  4. Dear Carrie,
    Just came back from yours. I love your hunter.

  5. What a wonderful interpretation of the picture. Love the idea of a portal.

    1. It did not appear to me as a portal first, Sherry. More the blurred pheripheral vision of someone or something, an alien stalking a victim. Then Stargate came to mind - aha! Portal!

  6. Your poem took me back to childhood too .. never sensing danger in caves, forests, cliffs ... portals!

    1. Great times, childhood. I just realised my children rarely have the opportunity to play outdoors - the real outdoors.

  7. Replies
    1. Portal can mean so many different things to different people. I love them too.

      But I often dreamed of portals to new worlds in the galaxy, new dimensions.

      I was very much a sci-fi fan.

  8. Portals are a fantastic idea, especially when our world seems to crumble beneath our feet. I love your poem, thanks for sharing. =D

    1. Our own doing, this crumbling world. If we are not careful, the earth will etaliate instead of rumble, and we would not be able to withstand its immense power.

  9. Ninot Ma'am,
    Portal it is! The freedom to roam. Had the fun of youth. No iron gates to restrict movements within the compound of the house,as it is now. Even went beyond the neighborhood on bicycles. I can relate to that. How nice!


  10. It is sad for our children. The truth is, unless I cycle with them, I dare not let them cucle outside our own compounf and gate.

  11. Replies
    1. Yes Anna. Not all stories have happy endings.

  12. Love your site and must visit more often. You are a gifted writer and this post is wonderful.

  13. Dear Renee,

    Thank you. Your words touch me more than I can say.


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