To market, to market

After the morning paper
I went to market today
Nothing wrong with the weather
Everything's swell I'd say

Yet, with unseen weight on my back
I bought three sacks of rice
Instead of one ten kg sack
Carefully checked the price

Four huge bottles of cooking oil
To last me three months at least
Butter in aluminiam foil
And cheese, flour and yeast

Cans and cans of sardines
Piled high in my pantry
Not to forget baked beans
And tonnes of dried chillies

For the paper's business pages
All carried the story
Cried out the obvious
God help our economy...


Written for the Thursday Think Tank
Copyright 2011 @ ninotaziz


  1. Ninot Ma'am,
    My loving wife Shadah would pile in the cart with what have you at the grocer's. RM300 would not go the way it used to before, she always lamented.

  2. Such beautiful words to go with such colorful images! True! In the end it is all about the economy.

  3. I had flashbacks reading your words. I use to live in Alaska and would see people from the Bush loading up! I know it is sad... I loved your images and memories you conjured~ Well Done

  4. Living in a hurricane-prone place, I can relate. There's always a mad rush to the market.

  5. Ninotaziz,

    How wonderful, to think of economies of size!!!!



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