The Garden

After toil of the sweetest kind
I wish to rest my burnt out mind
And draw refuge for a while
From the simpler things in life

The white speckled orchids' scent
And all kinds of jasmines in my garden
Kasidang in the corner heaven sent
This is my private haven

Gamelan on you-tube beguiling
My scented bath - reviving
This is my slow awakening
Here, my passion for life igniting

The secrets of my garden beckon
My very own apothecary
The call of the ancient YlangYlang
A night cap of Earl Grey and Cadbury

I drown in the dreams of the pomegranate
Spice induced languid embrace
Night falls yet morning awaits
Here comes the rain for another day

And I sleep...oh how I sleep...


  1. Ooh...a sensuous and lovely piece! We so need a little indulgence now and then to nurture our souls, need to dream as often when we're awake as when we're asleep...:)

  2. So lovely. For the moments I was reading, I was there in your beautiful garden.

  3. A beautifully relaxing poem! "Earl Grey and Cadbury" sound good!

  4. Dear Bttrflyscar,
    And your design blog is amazing. Really enjoyed my visit.

    Dear Lynette,
    Thank you. I have learnt that a little bit of indulgence helps me get through difficult bumpy parts of life and and resilient!

  5. Dear dear Sherry,
    Yes, you know how I love my garden. I would love to have some tea with you here and we chat about all sorts of things.

    The sky is very blue here and a lovely wild shade in the evenings.

  6. Ninot Ma'am,
    You have your very own garden of Eden to while away in. How nice! You have herbs besides the flowers too I imagine.

  7. I so want to visit your garden and drink Earl Gray and have Cadbury. It felt like a dream...beautiful!

  8. This is lovely - so dreamy and relaxing

    Anna :o]

  9. Dear Mary,
    Thank you! I have loved both forever.

    Dear Sir Hanks,
    Yes, I have citronella, lemongrass, ginger, kantan, lengkuas, roselle, pegaga, lime, chilis and fruit trees too - ciku, longan, kedondong, pomegranate, cherry etc.

    My next book project has a name already. And I will be working with the retired gardening columnist Mr Lam Peng Sam!

    Ella, come join me!

    Thank you Anna. Yes relaxing is the idea.

  10. Nino, I haven't visited you in forever. I love this gorgeous poem filled with lovely images. Earl grey and cadbury sound quite good right now.


  11. Dear Pamela,
    It's alright. I haven't been writing poetry for a while as I was finishing my book.

    Once that was done, it took sometime for the creative juices to flow again!

    I am so glad you dropped by.

  12. Your garden is heaven for sure, the way you speak of it, feels reviving and mesmerizing.

  13. Dear Harish,
    Thank you for dropping by. Your piece on the part-time bench was well done.

  14. As Poets United reaches its first anniversary this coming week we want to thank you for your support. Over the past year we have grown to 250 members plus and are steadily growing. Poets United is proud to have you as one of our members and look forward to another successful year. You imagination, creativity and willingness to share with us is what makes our community such a wonderful place. Thank you for beautiful poetry and thank you for being a part of Poets United.

  15. Thanks for inviting us to join you in your peaceful garden. I loved "Spice induced languid embrace" - such delicious words.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Dear Richard
    Apparently two unwelcomed guests were just as enamoured, so they dropped by my garden and helped themselves to my treasured wrought iron table and chair!

    The world just isn't the same anymore. The story can be found here -

    Thanks for dropping by!


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