The first time I met Van Gogh

The first time
Van Gogh and I met
I was starry eyed

Aflamed by his starry night

I danced in his field
Of irises, and never
Knew such hues

A joyous sway of blue

And when I walked
into his cafe nuit
Laughters, secret whispers

Upon a brilliant canvas

A burst of yellow
Captured sunrays
That never fades

The artist creates

A perpetual point of reflection

For Thursday Think Thank over at Poet's United
Thank you dear Carrie for a lovely prompt

I was first introduced to Van Gogh by my English teacher
Mrs Khaw Choon Ean 25 years ago.


  1. a great idea for the prompt - and you have swept the van Gogh feel into your words

  2. I read this aloud... auditory beauty!

  3. Oooooh, I so love this. Love Vincent's Starry Night too. The last lines: "The artist creates a perpetual point of recollection" is absolutely stunning.

  4. Van Gogh would be proud of this. You bring it out so well.

  5. Ninotaziz,
    Oh what a beautiful painting to get lost in and while listening to the words of the song Starry, Starry Night....
    Liked your choice of 'First'.....


  6. A lovely take on the prompt, ninotaziz. I love Vincent's works too.

  7. You do a very good job painting these vivid images. I love an homage to a particular artist.
    Great poem.

  8. wow.


    Awards for you, thanks for the support!

    Bless your talent. Support Poetry Potluck all the way!

    Happy Sunday!


  9. Gorgeous, I felt lost in a sea of blue, really beautiful~


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