
my favorite ghost
for three decades
my innermost thoughts
she sometimes invade

she came from the wild
and tempestuous lands
i borrowed her from
bronte's sure hand

tortured soul she was
and tragically romantic
fell in love with force
with revengeful heathcliff

let me in...let me in...

I haven't written a decent poem in weeks, consumed by my book of legends.
This poem is written for the Thursday Think Tank


  1. Oh such a good poem and a perfect choice of ghost. I always think of Cathy when the topic is ghosts - scratching at the window. Wonderful poem!

  2. ninotaziz,
    Oh I did enjoy reading this. Something of a classical, ghostly feel!!

    Good to see you writing again.
    Best wishes, Eileen

  3. Heathcliff, ha! How I love this poem, nino.


  4. Ninot Ma'am,
    Great, looking forward to your poems and there you are. Ghost stories always fascinate me.

    PS: Read somewhere you aren't at the Club , no more.

  5. An enjoyable ghostly poem. Bring on Heathcliff!

  6. Dear Sir Hanks,

    Yes. Remember I said I no longer want to do repeated events from year to year? Well, I resigned from the Golf Club and today is my last day.

    I will be working now a five day week and definitely more time for writing!

  7. Dear Sherry,

    Yes, Cathy is my favorite tragic ghost. To me Wutherinmg Heights is a love story. Glad you liked it.

    Hi Eileen,
    Classic indeed!

    Dear Mary,
    Heathcliff is dashing, isn't he!

  8. Dear Pamela,

    Thank you. I loved your little ghost too, dressed in white!

  9. A beautiful poem for a beautiful tale Ninotaziz...and yes,Heathcliff is dashing! :-)

  10. Hi Carrie! Great to see you here. I have been soooo bogged down. This will take quite a while with my adjusting to a new job, the books and two upcoming weddings in the family!

    And yet, as we go through our busy lives, life is taken one day at a time in Japan. Just called my Japanese friend in Tokyo - offered her to stay in Malaysia if she and her husband needed to. But she was as upbeat as ever. Just preparing herself - what to do for the next tremor / earthquake.

  11. Spooky, yet revetting, just like the story.

    Cathy to me is Suhaimi Meor Hassan's.


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