I am The Spider Queen

I am the Spider Queen
High up in the tower
Night after night I spin
Tales of legends and lovers

Mythical adventures

My web spins around the world
Across forgotten times
When all moved forward
Somehow, I was left behind

Cloaked by books

I love the dragons of Romania
The epic of Ramayana
The White Snake Lady of China
Whether it is a Celtic tale
Or that of Mayang Sari
I take you far away
To lands of marvelry

Land of make belief?

Spin, spin day and night
Just like Shaherazad
Fantasy takes flight
Lost within fiction and fact

I am the storyteller.

Words by ninotaziz Copyright 2011 © ninotaziz. All rights reserved.
Written for the One Shot Wednesday - an adventurous place
All linked folklore stories retold by ninotaziz


  1. A "spider queen" is an apt description for you as an online writer. Keep spinning your web of tales and poetry! Nice One Shot

  2. ...and I am forever caught in your web!

  3. Dear Adam,
    Thank you. And I will, with all of me.

    Thank you Fireblossom. What a lovely thing to say!

  4. I am with Shay....i am happily caught in your web as well Ninotaziz....i always love your legends,tales, and poetry! :-)

  5. How fascinating!! Keep spinning 'em tales, girl...
    I am all ears (and eyes)...
    Really enjoooooyed this one shot like I were a little girl!

  6. Dear Zalina

    Great verse... and I liked the way you brought in epics... (I enjoyed reading Ramayana listed there) Thanks for sharing...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay


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