The Old Ways

sometimes the old
ways are best
of all our days

are numbered
in exhaled breath
and gentle sighs

whispered upon
my brow, a frown
escapes tenderly

the butterfly
caught within
the spider web

that glistens anew
in the morning dew

Words by ninotaziz
Copyright 2010 © ninotaziz.
All rights reserved.


Written for lovers, old and new


  1. SO incredibly romantic and beautiful. Sigh. I can see the butterfly in the web - and she cannot but help liking it there:) Beautiful poem, Ninotaziz! I am still thinking about the dancers and the elephants, the most beautiful thing I have seen in my life, I think.

  2. Dearest Sherry,
    All I can say is that this is one of those poems that wrote itself. I had nothing to do but type the words that could not wait to be spewed forth on my screen...

    Glad you liked it.

  3. So lovely and romantic...enjoyed every bit of this wonderful read...thank you..bkm

  4. Wonderfully written work, =) Very much enjoyed to read! =D

  5. I love it when it happens that a poem writes itself and the poet can sit back and sigh in amazement along with the rest of the readers. Well written..and yes, sometimes the old ways ARE best.

  6. I love the work. Our souls have it figured out ahead of time; it's the brain that's in the way..

  7. A beautiful reflection on the old ways
    the butterfly caught in the web is a poignant image - I see beauty enveloped in sadness

    always wonderful my friend

    thanks from your friends at One Stop


  8. ...the best of all our days are numbered...and perhaps that's what makes them the best, nothing that perfect can endure intact...a beautiful, true poem and an excellent video to accompany it. Thank you.

  9. Beautiful but deadly, that glistening spider's web. Nice One Shot!

  10. beautifully put! numbered are those old days... maybe that's exactly what makes them golden and priceless!
    Evocative and tender... reflective and sad-sweet...

  11. Your words definitely have a vintage beauty to them...enjoyable read.

  12. A beautiful event. What a nice way to end my day. I haven't been to your blog in such a time it seems. The number of writers and so many excellent ones has caused me to meander feebly through the list and ignore old friends. I'm so happy I caught up with you on this beauty. Loved the video. The movie is on my top ten superseded by Sense and Sensibility and Age of Innocence.

    I like the slight turn creating a spiraling effect within the poem. Lovely.

  13. Dear Ninot Ma'am,
    Quite familiar with the old ways. Not trading it for any other. Excellent!

  14. Your poem has such a sweet rhyme and flow to it; also provides food for thought. Great poem reminding me of The Bard and his work.

  15. Indelible end-image, perfect work. Nailed it, my friend! (This is the second 'favorite 1SW poem I've read this week - the other is #60, Lovely Annie's poem.)

    Wish I'd written this, it's - like I said before - perfect.

  16. Really beautiful work Ninot, and blends so perfectly with this film, which ironically never gets old :) Wouldn't mind someone like Joe Fiennes writing me entire plays....


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