A Celtic Tale of Forgiveness

Art by Mac Harshberger (1900-1975)

Isolde of Ireland
winsome, sultry - lovely
arrived at Tintagel

with Tristan, of Lyonese
champion, full of chivalry
with her, so gentle

beguiling harpist

nephew of Marc
King of Cornwall
his liege, his uncle

welcomed Isolde
her hands so cold
the conqueror held

her hands in glove

the deepest cut
by the ones so dear
their cruel betrayal

Marc left his gloves
for her, the beloved forgiven
for him, his sword at his disposal

the sign never to return

Words by ninotaziz
Copyright 2010 © ninotaziz.
All rights reserved.

Written for the Magpie Tales. Happy New Year, One and all!


  1. A powerful new breath in old legends! Beautifully paced!

  2. Thank you, Gemma. Glad you liked it.
    Happy New Year to you!

  3. Ninot Ma'am,
    You fascinate me with your measure of old legends which itself is an education. Great!

  4. Dear Sir Hank,
    This is a favorite legend. You will see many similarities - Guinevere and Lancelot, from Tales of Persia, even Hang Tuah and Tun Teja.

  5. Lovely-nicely done! and thanks for your kind comments!

  6. The combination of your artwork with Willow's .. plus your Magpie .. all works beautifully.

  7. Ninot, is the artwork yours as well as the incredible poetry????????? You are amazingly talented! Your book is going to be a Notable Book, the critics will be wowed. This is a lovely story, set in rhyme....beautifully done.

  8. Dear Sherry and Helen,
    I am sorry. If you click on the picture it would take you to its original site. The artwork is by Mac Harshberger and I have now placed the credits.

    It is lovely, isn't it?

    Tristan and Isolde has been my favourite Mediavel romances fo9r a long long time.

  9. Nicely done, tales of legends live forward.

  10. Beautiful. My Irish DNA is tingling!

  11. The legends and myths say something so basic about what it means to be human that I don't think they can ever be forgotten. Your poem carries them on, beautifully. Tristan and Isolde is a favorite of mine, also.

  12. Ninot, tonight must be your wonderful Egyptian ball. I so look forward to reading about it, hopefully with photos. Have a wonderful wonderful time. And thank you for your friendship this year. I treasure it.

  13. love celtic myths and you weaved them into this piece so well ...the gloves what a symbol they can be...nice way to present the Magpie....Happy New Year...bkm

  14. Dear Sherry,
    I will certainly do that once I get the photos from the photographer. I did not manage to take the photos as I was busy watching out for everything from the guests to the food to the security of the Egyptian artifacts the Embassy loaned us for the night! And to get rid of kerosene that spilled from the fire-eaters!

    Will post soon. Happy New Year!

    Dear bkm,
    Thank you dear. I do love legends so. Happy New Year!

  15. This is a powerful celtic tale....and perfect for the prompt...i love this one Ninotaziz!!
    :-) Happy New Year! :-)


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