A letter. Blood rushes to my head.

Crimson skies
As red as blood
Smells like rust

The letter sits
on the window sill, untouched
Harbinger of bad blood

with only one look
Blood rushes to my head -
Summer is over

An experiment in storytelling

The storyteller Part II

The moon is high in the sky this moment
I have all that I wish in this moment

The lingering scent of  perfume in the air
My resolve to go vanished this moment

As you catch my widened eyes and parted lips
Time and place is banished, this moment

Deep sighs intermingle with passion
The story undiminished this moment

A tear escapes at the end of the tale
Caught by forlorn and anguish this moment

My listener sits so still, enraptured
The storyteller shall cherish this moment

by ninotaziz
all rights reserved

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Typhoon Haiyan

typhoons continue
to vent its rage, I do pray
my dear friends are safe
Arian and Kelvin
And thousand of Philippinos across the islands
I hope all is well, my friends.