Don Quixote

Gusty summer winds
Charge at noon
I am swept away!


For Magpietales


When I was an old woman turning older, I met you and the clock turned back for me. It was surreal but like the sun interrupting a cloudy day, you burst upon my loneliness. And I embraced myself like never before. Ever.

Sundancer, we tiptoed
Then threw caution
To the summer winds - Aha!

I was lost in an avalanche of emotions. And the wonder of your love and patience reigned over me.

Like autumn leaves
Your words and deeds
Healed me into acceptance

So now I know love. Real love. The kind that has deepened with time. Sparked by passion. Survived battles. Strengthened by forgiveness. Sailed into the night.

I drown in you
Winter is no longer cold
The fire burns bright

And I am no longer afraid. For I have known what it is like to be truly loved. No one can take that away from me. The greatest tragedy would be to forget.

But in this light
Of springtime dizziness
Love is in the air

And I smile the secret smile of Mona Lisa.

The Night Unmasked

The night is never
dark and unending
always a new beginning

awaits at dawn
the horizon approaching
a razor blade silver

endless sky
that flirts with the sea
burst into crescendo


The night
a woman, pregnant
with anticipation

shades of emotions
serene, passion

at end of day
reborn at dawn


The night
a celebration
throughout the world

against the sky

or simple
huddled togetherness


written for
magpietales, poetsunited
oneshotwednesday ends


Breathless, cold wintry
weather - or the dazzling smile

Written for Haiku Heights

Vincent's canvas

The sun ablazing
Unreal, but the heat
Arising from the earth


The bluest night
Of the cafe
Lingers til dawn


Rolling stars
Upon the midnight
Blanket, the skies


The cypress trees
And crescent moon
Sick and tortured


Irises dancing
In the wind
Lightness of being


Wound wrapped up
Pain, borne of rejection
Consumed by his art

The artist, forlorn

Le soleil brille,
Et la chaleur
montant de la terre



Written for the Magpie Tales