Take your pick : Virgin Mother or Baby Bumper Ride

Oh sleep, tortured virgin mother
As stars seek your anxious womb
For every child born
Surely is the brightest ever

Never let her fire fade


Bump bump bump
Baby bumper ride.
Express to the bump!


Microfiction Mondays feature the shortest stories in tweetable 140 characters, or even fewer. Hosted weekly by Susan - it's a writers' playground!

Sara in the Attic

Magpie Tale # 24

Sara waits, and waits and waits
Wanting more, and more and more
Gets less, and less and less
Until nothing is left anymore

The unmade bed
captured her scent
Words she meant

The sunlight
hung in the room
Left to doom

The windows
shut in haste
A closed phase

The blue
of her eyes
Turned to ice

The grey
in her heart
Turned to death

This is a Magpie Tale. Weekly host Willow continues to draw poets from around the world to her wonderful poets' sanctuary. Here, we share another chapter from Sara's life.

Tea for two

Microfiction Mondays feature the shortest stories in tweetable 140 characters or fewer. Hosted weekly by Susan - it's a fun place for writers!

This week I pay tribute to the many conversations I have had with my daughters. Really ordinary - and amazing how spectacular and endearing to me...

Microfiction Monday # 40

Mum: You have been playing in the bathtub again, haven't you?
Ilena: [with big widened eyes] Mum, how can you always tell?

Mum smiles.

In The Pink


Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It goes to show how kindred spirits make a big difference in our lives.

Thank you Ilakya again for this amazing gift. It is really unexpected that you have chosen me for the Pink Award. Accepting the Pink Award doesn’t end here; there are a few more inspiring rules to accepting the award, and they are:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award!
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award to 9* fellow bloggers whom you’ve met recently, and those bloggers who admire for some reason.
  4. Let them know about the award.
Ilakya, you have made me irrepressibly happy. You - whom I have known in the shortest of time for the deepest of emotions. Your poetry is an inspiration to me, surprising in that it mirrors my innermost secrets - yes, you must be the most emphatic person I know - online. Amazing!

Seven things about me
  1. I believe in God utterly, and I trust He will let me choose my path.
  2. Rudi is my soulmate who inspires me to live life to the fullest.
  3. My mother gave me my life. My daughters are my life.
  4. Writing lives me. I write books on ancient Malay and world folklore, write pantun (Malay poetry) and of course poetry.
  5. The world is my oyster, Malaysia is my homeland.
  6. I fell in love on the volleyball court
  7. I am constantly travelling from island to island, from Tasmania out to the rest of the world.

The Nine Pink Award Bloggers

WillowThe host of www.magpietales.blogspot.com literally dragged me out from a desert - a land of a poet's writer's block lasting for more than a decade. Inspiring and engaging, her warm encouragement draws poets from all around the world to her haven. www.poemsbyninotaziz.blogspot.com was created in the beginning solely for magpietales

Brian Miller - His expert craftmanship of words brings tears to the blind, a smile to the broken and gives us all wings to fly

The Odd Inkwell - a faceless sculpture of words - brief and crisp revealing dazzling genius

Tiel Aisha Ansari - her words just fall from heaven and enter one's soul to leave it asunder. Her poetry is fiery and her blog, magnificent

Les Fifoles - an inspiring, mesmerising French escapade

Tumblewords - her poetry nails it every time!

Arian T - who is re-weaving the world - one poem at a time. WOW, he has a way with words...

Carrie Burtt - even her prose is poetic

Ilakya - she writes poetry the way you wish you wrote it, I fell in love with her from the first lifeless card

Thank you Ilakya for the Pink Award !


Magpie #23

Aster looked to the stars.

The wide universal sky was the bluest of blues tonight.

How beautiful, she thought. Earth used to be like that. A very long time ago, Yuri Gagarin said the world was a perfect blue and white marble in space.

Aster was a foundling. She arrived in a bubble - a perfect baby in a crib with star chimes. When she was little, the chimes above her crib would suddenly tinkle and turn. After great debate, Aster was adopted by the City Creche where all the Children were raised by the City Council. She amazed her teacher in class one day when she wrote a poem on the grayboard, the chalk spewed white words across the smooth asphalt surface seemingly on its own. Then it drew flowers and fairies. That was when her teacher knew it was Aster channeling the chalk. No other child knew what flowers and fairies were...

Outside her class, the walls were gray, the city was gray, the world beyond the City was gray. Even the overpopulated beaches were gray. The air was still, and the gray smoke from Factories in the distance slowly disappeared into the gray air. Gray was the colour of the world’s death...

During the day, the sky was gray, but in the evening, the sky turned crimson, then darkened to a lovely deep blue expanse in the night.

Aster was a channeler. That meant she could draw pure energy from deep inside her to move things a great distance. The catch? There was no catch except at the end of her task, she suffered from great exhaustion. The greater the task, the more she suffered, and took longer to recover. Lately, she even bled from her efforts. Aster knew no one else like her. No one knew anyone quite like Aster.

And today, the City Councilors had ordered Aster to channel the elements that make the world gray into space. Fire. Toxic. Acid. Aster would love to see the world beautiful again. As she alone remembered it.

Even if she would have to die for it.

This is a Magpie Tale. Weekly host Willow continues to draw poets from around the world to her wonderful poets' sanctuary.

The Ghost Geraldine

Microfiction Mondays feature the shortest stories in 140 characters or fewer. Hosted weekly by Susan - a great place to be!

My MFM entry this month was inspired by the very popular 70s series - The Avengers. What a team - Purdey, Steed and Gambit!

Geraldine, caught within
A 2-dimensional paper world

What ever can she do
For a dry shampoo?

Talcum powder!
Just for ghostly her!

Maleficient's Monologue

Magpie Tale #22

Glistening. Just kissed by the morning dew. Perfect.

"Ah...here is a plump and juicy red tomato," said Maleficient, The Evil Stepmother - The Queen of Qarakash.

"Who does she think I am - but a goddess? That goody-two-shoes slip of a princess! Have I not been the last word on beauty? Behold, mirror...my reign shall be forever, as foretold."

"This time around, my bewitching stepdaughter will not simply choke on a stupid apple. Only for it to dislodge and free her from the Sleeping Death. I will weave a spell over the loveliest of tomatoes and she will bite into its summer drenched goodness. Its riveting juice with its lethal poison will trickle down her slender throat and kill her from within. That wretched Prince Charming will watch her cringe in pain and agony for a year before she succumbs to ...now, let's see - A Really Gruesome Eternal Death."

"I will have my revenge for seventy three years of ridicule."

And the mirror kept its peace, silence and crack, as it always had after the Queen of Qarakash returned from her last excrutiating journey outside the palace walls. For since then, so many new beauties have replaced Maleficient's and Snow White's place as the fairest in the land - Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana, Juliette Binoche, Angelina Jolie, Zhang Ziyi and Aishwarya Rai, just to name a few.

Daughter speak

Microfiction Monday #38

My Space Tumblr Wizarding World
Chat OMG Avatar Earthbender LOL
The world is my Iphone

Microfiction means the shortest of short stories that can be told in under a minute in140 characters or fewer. Hosted weekly by Susan - a great place to be!

To be or not to be

Firecrackers, big or small,
Delight and enthrall
Children, adults, one and all

One in the backyard
Thousands in the park
In wonder, eyes lit up

But bundled together
From China to Kerala
They lose their wonder

Firecrackers - surely never
Meant to be wrapped forever

Et tu?